St.Joseph’s High School was started in 1951 by popular request , when Bhubaneswar built to replace Cuttack as the administrative centre of the State.


All the students and the staff members must be present at the School Assembly.

Therefore, all must reach the School before 7.40 a.m. students must come daily, neatly dressed in full school uniform, bringing the day's necessary school books, calendar, Tiffin/ lunch etc. in a canvas or cloth bag.

At the second bell, all must gather for the Assembly and remain silent till they reach their respective classes after the Assembly.

If a student is not in his / her class line at the time of the prayer bell or he/ she is late, it will be marked accordingly in the School diary. Plus, the late comer may not be allowed to attend the 1st period or appropriately dealt with. If one is repeatedly late, the late arrival marked in the calendar must be shown to the parent who should take appropriate action about it. Or he / she may be sent home, in which case the school will not be responsible for his/ her reaching home safe.

All the students must be in full School Uniform (dress, footwear, etc. prescribed in the school Calendar.



Our School aims at an all round development of child’s growth and personality by inculcating values, developing rational thinking, educating and respecting traditions, customs, society,religion and nation. The regular subject of the curriculum present themselves as potential reservoirs of values and Talents. Co-curricular activities such as Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Bul-Buls, social service



A Red Carpet Welcome was given to all the ex-students who had passed out from 1951 to 2001.The students were happy to be back in school and quickly got into cliques. Many of them went around the school rediscovering their favorites nooks on the school campus, others meeting up with their teachers and recalling old memories.


( Available!!! Application Form For Class - XI (ISC) - Science, Humanity & Commerce ), ( Calendar Academic Year - 22-23 )

Principal’s Message

Educating our children in an environment of peace and harmony is more important today than ever before. We must not forget to educate their hearts as well as their minds. Various technologies have changed traditional methods of teaching and learning, resulting in an increased availability of information. Meeting the challenges of educating children in an era of technological explosion will be difficult.



The Patron


Vision & Mission


About Us



St.Joseph’s High School was started in 1951 by popular request , when Bhubaneswar built to replace Cuttack as the administrative centre of the State.

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